Friday, April 17, 2015

Lesson 10 - Wrap Up

Check out the Featured e-Resources of the Month in th Cornerstone Library Development E-Newsletter.
State Library introduces SAGE Knowledge eBooks. Thanks to a multi-state collaborative purchase, The SDSL now offers 75 SAGE Knowledge e-Book titles in several content areas, including education, social studies, health, and business. - Aimed to academic research, SAGE Knowledge database features a user-friendly interface with full text HTML display and access to chapter print and PDF download options including export to End Note, RefWorks and other citation manager software.
Wrap Up: Overwhelmed is an understatement when it comes to all the information I gathered at the SDSL site. To me, it was an exiting discovery. I spend more time looking at all the sites than reporting. This was my first blog(s) - sorry Julie, creating such disaster. - I got lost in the bulk of information, and didn't had enough time to express myself more clearly. Looking back, I was handicapped and trapped not knowing what I would find in the Electronic Resource experience. Now, together with my co-workers we will digg into all those sites and embrace knowledge. Thanks Julie. for your wonderful support guiding me through the process.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on wrapping up the Challenge! I truly enjoyed reading your posts and seeing all your discoveries. I am so glad you were able to spend time exploring the e-resources and learning about them.

    We will be offering a "Challenge Lite" this summer that doesn't require a blog--you will want to check it out!

    Thanks for your work,
